Midwifery Care

  • 1We will meet to discuss your thoughts and hopes for your birth.
  • 2We will also do a complete history, physical, initial labs, class scheduling, and cover any questions or concerns.
  • 3Monthly prenatal visits will follow until 28 weeks.
  • 4Visits every 2 weeks up to 36 weeks, and weekly visits until the birth of your baby.
  • 5Care throughout your labor, birth and early postpartum.
  • 6Home visits at 24-48 hours after birth and as needed in the first two weeks.
  • 7Your postpartum check-up in the office between 4-6 weeks.
  • 8Breastfeeding support through weaning.


Doula/Monitrice Care

  • 1Classes for pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding.
  • 2Support for labor, birth and early breastfeeding.
  • 3Breastfeeding support through weaning.


Call or email for classes tailored
to your family’s unique needs.
